Yoga Demonstration @ Black Hill Elementary School



UPFNA is happy to share pictures from the Black Elk Elementary School’s (Omaha, NE) celebration of International Day, on March 30th, 2023.

During the event, UPFNA set up a yoga booth showcasing various yoga postures. Kids also had an opportunity to try out yoga postures of their choice.

We also had the privilege of doing a wonderful yoga demonstration by our own students: Devan Nandagopal and Advithi Hoskot Ramars. Besides showing the asanas and providing instructions for kids to follow, they also explained the benefits of each posture.

If your child is interested in doing a Yoga demonstration at their school or setting up a yoga booth to spread awareness about yoga, please do not hesitate to contact us at communications@ or 402-218-2054.

Please find the link to the pictures and a short video of the event.

Universal Peace Foundation of North America

(A non-profit for Kundalini Meditation and Yoga)

Email: communications@ 
Phone: (402) 218-2054

Review us on Google


Practice 1 min silence @ 11.11 AM every day!

