Gurumahan’s Jeyanti celebrations & Kids Yoga mini convention 2021

Attendees: Click on this evite link to accept and we will send the virtual meeting link closer to the event
Kids as speakers(age 5 – 16) , read on!

  • As we know, Yoga stands for not just physical postures or Asanas but union with one’s own pure self using tools like breath, body and mind.
  • Kids yoga students of UPFNA can
    • Talk and present about Yoga and its various aspects on this day,
    • Answer questions from audience as well as
    • Ask questions as polls to the audience,
    • Win Prizes too !!!
  • When: Saturday Feb 13, 2021 – 4:45 PM – 7 PM
  • Where: Online/virtual ( Link will be sent separately once you register as speaker with guidelines)
  • How to register as speaker: Register here with topic details
  • Who can attend the program: Anyone( adults, parents and kids, relatives & friends) willing to participate in this divine celebration.
  • Who can present: UPFNA kids yoga students -> age 5 – 16
  • Mode of Presentation: Recorded(preferred) or live.
  • Total time(to present): 2 – 5 mins only followed by Q & A from audience
  • What else: Prepare 1 – 2 questions to ask the audience.
  • Register latest above by: Feb 5, 2021 (with topics in mind)
  • Recorded video uploaded by: Feb 10, 2021
  • Example topics to present:
    • Fundamentals of Yoga
    • Yoga & daily life
    • Moral stories from Yoga Gurus of the past
    • Yoga & God
    • Yoga & inner peace
    • Yoga & Global peace
    • Yoga & Santhosham(Bliss)
    • Kids & Yoga
    • Yoga & music
    • Yoga & values in life
    • Yoga & truth
    • The search for happiness or bliss
    • Goal of life & Yoga
    • Yoga & Asanas
    • Yoga & Breathing
    • Yoga, mind and meditation
    • Yoga myths and facts
    • Youth & Yoga
    • Yoga & holistic health

How to Record & upload
Use a zoom account or similar with this virtual background image ( download)
Recording guidelines:

  • Use only laptop or desktop only for recording presentation, not on mobile devices.
  • Prepare a slide show using standards tools or use our template power point file.
  • Prepare a couple interesting Qs for Audience poll , we will display at the end of session.
  • White dress to wear
  • Choose a calm surrounding.
  • Test audio & video and with screen share to make sure your face is visible all the time
  • Make sure the virtual background is clear along with your face
  • As usual, to chant Santhosham at the start or similar
  • Announce your name and grade before presenting the topic.
  • Session Not too slow or fast, make sure one is loud and clear.
  • Make sure to finish by 5 mins(max) and 2 mins for Q & As during the event.

Each speaker would be appreciated with a small remuneration and entered into a drawing as well