Gurumahan’s 21 day Penance/Velvi for Global welfare & peace

       Gurumahan’s 21 day Penance(Velvi) for Universal welfare & Peace

Velvi/Penance and details

Recommendations for 21 Days Velvi (Penance)

Meditation for Children & Youth

Prabhanja Vazhthu

How can I contribute spiritually?

How can I contribute financially?

Live Telecast

Activities in Omaha, NE during Velvi/Penance

Donate for UPFNA Omaha meditation sessions

(Choose memo as UPFNA special events)

Activities from Omaha, NE during Velvi/Penance

Online meeting details for 21 days for all the below sessions:

Meeting ID: 838 4005 7224

Passcode: 1001




Penance Starting Day Meditation  


Dec 19th, 2020

6.30 pm – 7:30 pm

Weekday Evenings online meditation

Dec 21st, 2020-  Jan 10, 2021 weekdays only

8:15 pm – 8:45 pm

2 hr Meditation Session for Kundalini yoga practitioners

(Prerequisite: Completed 3 stages of deeksha)

Saturday & Sunday

Dec 26th, 27th 2020

Saturday & Sunday,

Jan 2nd, 3rd, 2021

6.30 am – 8.30 am

Penance Ending Day Meditation


 Jan 9th, 2021

 5.30 PM– 6.45 PM

Velvi/Penance and details

What is Velvi/Penance?

From the ancient days of Sanatan Dharma, all great sages or Maha Rishi’s performed Atma Yagnya or self sacrifice and yagas/sacrifice completely in silence of Samadhi (deep meditation) and not partaking food, for Universal well-being and in keeping up the spiritual vibrations of the world and Universe. Gurumahan is an enlightened Kundalini master of this order, reviving the culture of Tapas and ancient way of Divine Light (Paranjothi) for the people. 29 such penances have been performed by Gurrmahan since 1990. While doing the Tapas, the spiritual gurus connect themselves to this Universe. In that state, they spread the Noble thoughts and higher positive energy towards all living beings and Mother Earth. For more info about velvi, please visit

How can I contribute spiritually?

Meditate during this period for the benefit of oneself, family and the universal peace. Practice meditation morning and evening 20 min each. In the meditation visualize that you are meditating inside the holy pyramid (Pranavalayam) and receiving energy through Sahasrara chakra.

How can I contribute financially?

Apart from donation for the entire Penance and admin expenses, donations could also go to specific activities like annadhanam donation (free food to practitioners & visitors). During these 21 days, usually an estimated 21,000 servings of Satvik food will be served free for all the yogis (but reduced this time due to Covid crisis) , tapasvis and general public who are in the ashram. Interested people can make any donation. This is an attempt, a call towards participating in this penance by performing the Annadhanam during this auspicious time.

Donation to UPF, India For Penance or AnnaDaanam(Food for charity)

If you have a bank account in India, please use the link below to pay online

If not,

You could donate to UPFNA through paypal and we will transfer accordingly

(Memo: UPF India Velvi/Penance)

No Checks/Cash accepted this time

UPF, India – Program schedule & Live telecast sessions

Please visit for programs/live webcast (from India)

Note: All live programs are in Tamil Language, you can enjoy watching the live penance proceedings at the Ashram/center.


               Recommendations for 21 Days Velvi (Penance)

           Santhosham. The 365 days and 12 months in a year goes by so fast being busy, earning, working for our family, society etc. All our time and energy are spent in these external duties. The time we spend for ourselves for the betterment of our mind and body if you notice is very less.

Out of these 12 months if we spend 21 days for the welfare of our mind, body, intellect and self chances are the rest 11 months will go by with much bliss and ease.

Every year in December Gurumahan does the 21 days penance or Dhava velvi for the universal peace and well-being. With certain practices that we do in this 21 days for our body, mind and intellect we will be rejuvenated and our thoughts will materialize when we do the penance for Universal peace.

Just like when the roads are paved smooth we can reach our destination with ease and comfort and also fast, similarly when our body, mind and intellect are sharpened and in good shape we can experience the divinity and get in touch with our self. Let us see what some practices that our Gurumahan has advocated to heighten us at four levels and also do our meditation well.

Four steps

Things to follow


Info & Benefits



Bathe morning & evening (possible)

Wear clean clothes

Purity of body one should take bath first thing in the morning before commencing the day’s activities and you can shower at evening too.


Satvic food,

2 meals per day

Fasting once a week

Satvic food is recommended and non-vegetarian food is to be avoided.

Eat two times either cooked or uncooked food and for dinner eat something light by 6:30 PM. It is recommended to go to bed by 10:00 PM to wake up refreshed by 4:45 AM which will help with meditation practices.

Also, while eating food, chew well with your mouth closed and think about divinity when you do so. You will definitely see increasing health benefits.

If possible, fasting on Thursday will also benefit you.


Spinal rock-1, 2 3- stages- 10 times each

Shashnaka Bhujangasana- 10 times

Thoppukaranam  – 10 times

Suryanamaskar-2 times

Shavasana- 3 min

Each asana will take two to three minutes and in all about 10 – 15 minutes. Do as per your fitness level.

Practice Video



Samaseer Pranayamam

Samacheer Pranayama (Equal Ratio Breathing)

1. Inhale – 5 sec

2. Hold – 5 sec

3. Exhale – 5 sec

4. Silence/ No breath – 5 sec

The above 4 steps makes a round. Practice 12 rounds.

Positive thinking

Say good words

Think good thoughts

Do good deeds

Always talk positively like”I can do it”,” it will happen” etc.

Negative thoughts and words will make your mind and body weak.

The second factor is patience in all things that we do. Do not raise your voice. Talk with love which in turn will reduce anger.


Self introspection & write personal journal

Understanding oneself is the first step towards the self realization

We all have a lot of exterior knowledge and expertise but seldom do we have knowledge about our body, mind, intellect and self. This internal knowledge is what will give the directive to our purpose in life. All it needs is five minutes of your time before you go to bed to question yourself as to who I am, what is the purpose of my birth, what is our duty? If we do this, by the end of 21 days you will get an answer which will be like a guiding light for how we should spend the rest of our life. The other practices are to read, listen or see spiritual books and prayers.

Read Book, Listen audio/video




Do at least one or two per day

Service through your body

Service through your mind

Service through your Intellect

Service through your wealth

Dharma/Righteousness: We can do Dharma with our body, mind or material in a selfless manner. Then our previous karma will be negated. When you do Dharma selflessly it leads us and our future generation to lead a peaceful life.

1. We can do physical help to people or to an organization in need.

2. Try to spread positive energy to all

3. We can also share our knowledge to people in need.

4. With our material wealth we can set aside a small portion towards any charitable cause.


Meditate 15 to 30 min twice a day &

Sarva sakthi vaazhthu

Meditate 15-30 minutes in the morning and evening/night, this will enable our self to reach the next level.

Kundalini practitioners: Please meditate in

Agna Chakra- 5 to 10 min

Sahasrara chakra- 10 to 20 min

End the meditation with Sarva sakthi yagnam. This will be our duty towards the universal welfare.

Beginners: Observe your breath / do samaseer paranayam for fifteen min and end with the Sarva Sakthi yagnam which will fulfill their duty for the Universal welfare.

Sarva Sakthi Valthu:

For the 21 days we will try to adhere to all the practices as much as we can. But for those who cannot please practice the ones that you can. Nothing is compulsory. If you cannot practice all – then you can practice for the

1. first seven days all that is needed for the body.

2. The second seven days you can do the body, mind and intellect related practices and

3. the last seven days you can practice all.

Even splitting it up into different categories will also benefit immensely. Only when our mind and body are at its optimum best can we meditate for universal peace . With such practices the thoughts that we have during meditation will manifest and with true devotion and with the blessings of Gurumahan and the divine there will be universal well-being and peace.

                                   Meditation for Children & Youth


Santhosham. Dear kids and youth, To unite, let us start with our family, friends, country, world, and globe. Yes, we are all globians. Let us join ourselves to perform Gurumahan‘s visions of 21 days penance for the universal welfare.

How we can prepare ourself?

  1. Learn the Samaseer Pranayama (Equal Ratio Breathing)
  1. Inhale – 5 count
  2. Hold – 5 count
  3. Exhale – 5 count
  4. No breath/silence  – 5 count
  5. The above 4 steps makes a round.

       Practice this often so you will be more focused while you do meditation

  1. Memorize the Prabhanja vazhthu (The universal Blessings)  
  2. Talk only positive words, approach everything positively.
  3. Request your parents, siblings to sit together as a family, in the morning or evening, or any convenient time for meditation. Before bedtime seems to work best for many.
  4. Meditate 15 mins  for 21 days with your family. (if possible),
  5. What can you do in the meditation?

                  Practice samaseer pranayama (48 rounds, counting on fingers or use beads for counting if you have one) end with prabhanja valthu (The Universal Blessings)

  1. It will bring harmony in the family  
  2. It improves concentration, and helps us in our overall education.

                                      Meditation – Audio- 15 mins (click here)

                              Counting on fingers



                        Prabhanja Vazhthu (The Universal Blessings)


Salutations to the manifestations of different forms of Existence

Om Aadhiyae vaazhga !  –   [Salutations to the primordial existence]
Om Ninaivae vaazhga !  –   [Salutations to the awareness]
Om Nadhamae vaazhga !  –   [Salutations to the primordial sound (omkar) ]
Om Paranjothiye vaazhga !  –   [Salutations to the Divine Light]

Salutations to Five Earth Elements

Om Vinnae vaazhga !  –   [Salutations to Akash]
Om Neerae vaazhga !  –   [Salutations to water ]
Om Nilanae vaazhga !  –   [Salutations to earth]
Om Katrae vaazhga !  –   [Salutations to air ]
Om Neruppe vaazhga !  –   [Salutations to fire]

Salutations to Five form of species

Om Neervazlvanave vaazhga !  –  [Salutations to water species ]
Om Thavarame vaazhga !  –   [Salutations to plant kingdom ]
Om Oorvanave vaazhga !  –   [Salutations to invertebrates ]
Om Parappanave vaazhga !  –   [Salutations to Birds kingdom]
Om Nadappanave vaazhga !  –   [Salutations to Mammals]
Om Maanidimae Vaazhga !  –   [Salutations to mankind]

Salutations to five form of senses

Om Thodu arivae vaazhga !  –  [Salutations to sense of touch
Om Suvai arivae vaazhga !  –   [Salutations to sense of taste
Om Vasanai arivae vaazhga !  –  [Salutations to sense of smell
Om Sabtha arivae vaazhga !  –  [Salutations to sense of hearing

Om Parvai arivae vaazhga !  –  [Salutations to sense of sight
Om Pagutharivae vaazhga !  –   [Salutations to THINKING sense

Salutations to six Divine qualities

Om Anbae vaazhga !  –   [Salutations to love ]
Om Arivae vaazhga !  –   [Salutations to wisdom]
Om Attralae vaazhga !  –   [Salutations to power ]
Om Ananandhamae vaazhga !  –  [Salutations to happiness]
Om Azhage vaazhga !  –   [Salutations to beauty]
Om Amaidhiyae vaazhga !  –   [Salutations to peace ]

Om Deiveegamae vaazhga !  –  [Salutations to Divinity]
