Divine bliss chants/Mantras focus

UPFNA is happy to introduce Divine bliss chants sessions/Mantras focus for kids age 5 – 15 – In-Person Classes
EMAIL US AT communications@upfna.org if Interested.

What would kids learn:

Kids would learn to
** Recite/chant mantras/verses originally composed in an ancient language(Sanskrit, Tamil, etc.) and overcome any language barriers by writing those chants/verses using equivalent English notations recommended in the class.
** Recite/chant mantras the right way by learning right pronunciation of syllables and words of the chants using notations.

Why learn divine bliss chants/ mantras focus:
Mantras like Om(Universal sound) deliver one from material to spiritual realm.
Mantras, when chanted properly increase focus, calms mind and brings clarity of thought.
Kids would learn to focus as they chant and go deeper resulting in other benefits too like higher scoring in academics, innovation skills, divine qualities, etc.

Which bliss chants would kids learn as an example
Divine bliss chants/mantras on
-> Universal Guru
-> Divine Forms and Formless forms ( Ganesha, Krsna, Rama, Aditya Hrudayam chants)
-> Divine nature